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Book, movie, music and food lover

Currently reading

Hearts in Atlantis
Stephen King
State of Fear
Michael Crichton
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Mitch Albom

The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code  - Dan Brown AWESOME book! love to read it over and over again...

Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga)

Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga) - Stephenie Meyer After I read this book, all I can say is..."That's all?" I've read it for 1 1/2 days and I feel I only waste those days. Lack of action and thrill, no extraordinary events.

Top to Toe: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Who You Want to Be

Top to Toe: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Who You Want to Be - Nicky Hambleton-Jones When I've read this book I feel like I can do everything. It helps me to somehow boost my self-confidence. This really inspired me a lot.

Mary, Mary

Mary, Mary - Ed McBain, Evan Hunter This is the most genius crime novel I've read so far...once started this book, you can't stop reading it because of the curiosity who really is the killer. So many people involved in the case and you will be confused who among the witnesses are telling the truth but Matthew Hope somehow managed to gather evidences to acquit Mary Barton, an eccentric woman who claimed the killings of three little girls and buried them in her backyard...

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom this is the first book I've read by Mitch Albom and the story moves me. I've learned so much in this book. It shows that everyday in our lives we meet people that we didn't even know that somehow they have effect (or even great effect) in our lives. we can't appreciate them because we are too weary to care. we have so many problems in life that we didn't even know that there are someone who are willing to help you dealt with these problems...

Angels & Demons: A Novel (Robert Langdon)

Angels & Demons: A Novel (Robert Langdon) - Dan Brown After reading this book..I wonder how many secrets does the Vatican is keeping...I know this is only fiction but some of the information might be true..who knows? Dan Brown knows how to tickle the minds of his readers..